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Psychotherapy and counselling

You'll encounter different views about the difference between psychotherapy and counselling. In many ways the label doesn't matter, but for me psychotherapy tends to explore more about how current challenges connect to past experiences and what that means for you, whereas counselling tends to be more tightly focused on a specific issue, and is often shorter term.


Whatever the approach, evidence shows that our relationship and your engagement are most important for the success of therapy: helping you to make sense of your thoughts and feelings, to feel able to cope and to feel renewed hope.

Typical reasons people come to me:

Burnout. Fertility and Perinatal Challenges. Infant Loss. Adjusting after parenthood.  Women's Health. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Anxiety. Depression. Past Trauma. Grief. Relationships.


Sometimes we all need someone to catch us when we fall, when we're overwhelmed and struggling to make sense of how we feel. Someone to be with us, to give us the space and support to process and reflect. Someone to listen without feeling burdened. Someone who won't judge or impose their views.

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